
PDS KEYS (DIALOGUE 3)-AROUND THE APEX OF CIRCUMSTANCES (Prequel to I’m the Change)by Akua Mawuliplim Sarah Menieso

Time: Past (Friday at Sunset) Setting: A mobile money sales shop(container) located Left Centre Stage with benches for customers to sit down. (Scene shows Uncle Joe standing in the booth making account of his sales for the day. Alfred enters from downstage right running towards him) Alfred: (screaming) Uncle Joe! Uncle Joe! Uncle Joe: (StartledContinue reading "PDS KEYS (DIALOGUE 3)-AROUND THE APEX OF CIRCUMSTANCES (Prequel to I’m the Change)by Akua Mawuliplim Sarah Menieso"


PDS KEYS (DIALOGUE 2)~ I’M THE CHANGE by Akua Mawulikplim Sarah Menieso

Time: At noon on Thursday Setting: Modern living room furnished with sofas, designed to comfort with elegance and variety of artworks placed at strategic points on walls to reflect great philosophies. (Scene opens with Uncle Joe sitting in the sofa right centre stage rebuking Alfred who was kneeling down centre stage) Uncle Joe: Mmtcheww! YouContinue reading "PDS KEYS (DIALOGUE 2)~ I’M THE CHANGE by Akua Mawulikplim Sarah Menieso"


PDS KEYS(DIALOGUE 1)-PART II by Akua Mawulikplim Sarah Menieso

Piper: Mmm…That's enough stretching (both laughing whiles sitting down).Your last statement ushers us into Key 6 which is Stop Giving Excuses : Don't be too comfortable at where you find yourself presently and resort to No as an anthem to opportunities that will help you discover your potentials (Tasha cuts in) Tasha: Very true. I'mContinue reading "PDS KEYS(DIALOGUE 1)-PART II by Akua Mawulikplim Sarah Menieso"


PDS KEYS (DIALOGUE 1)-PART I by Akua Mawulikplim Sarah Menieso

FADE IN:  Time: Early hours of Wednesday Setting: A neighborhood in Tema (Tasha is seen walking sluggishly in the distance weeping, her hand on her head and talking to herself in a  confused state) Tasha: Why? Why? What am I going to do? Am even hungry..mmtcheww.. Why now? (sobbing and fell to the floor inContinue reading "PDS KEYS (DIALOGUE 1)-PART I by Akua Mawulikplim Sarah Menieso"